Classical Christian homeschool classes for grades K-12 in Sugar Land, Texas.
Christ‑centered teaching for every family
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Established in
Student:teacher ratio
K-12 classes
Have an active role in your child’s education
Build a legacy that lasts with Christ-centered education that builds people, families, and culture for the glory of God.
What parents are saying
We have nothing but praise for the four years of having our kids learn in the Schola homeschool program. Everyone there has been wonderful to us, and I highly recommend Schola to anyone that shows interest in homeschooling.
— J.C.
Mrs. Richards has been absolutely incredible! I really cannot say that enough. [My son] has always loved math, and mathematical ideas have naturally "clicked" for him, but Mrs. Richards has taken that a step further and helped him to understand why they click. The amount of time and energy Mrs. Richards pours into her classes is obvious, and I am floored by her commitment to helping students learn (and maybe even love) math. We appreciate her so much!
— A.D.
We have loved Algebra 1 with Mrs. Richards this year. [Our son] has a very strong understanding of Algebra, and Mrs. Richards has done everything she can to make sure he understands and can successfully master each concept. She is willing to meet outside of class hours to assist when [he] needs a little extra help. Last year (during Pre-Algebra), when [his] grandmother passed away unexpectedly towards the end of the first semester, she allowed [him] to postpone taking his semester exam until he had a chance to grieve and could completely focus on the test. She is always quick to respond to communication and questions from the students or parents. While her teaching method of lecturing on Google Classroom instead of in-person may seem counter-intuitive, we have found it actually helps [him] tremendously to have time to ask questions and work problems in person during class time instead of struggling with those problems after he arrives home from a lecture. We love Mrs. Richards and are so thankful for her genuine love and concern for [our son], his education, and his overall well-being!
— J.R.
Mrs. Hart, we thank you! Our son’s ACT science section score increased 4 points!!! We are so thankful, for it bumped him up to a higher academic scholarship of $8000 more per year - so a total of $32,000! Praise God!
— J.S.
When I reflect back over these last four years and consider the impact Schola has made on our family, I am intensely grateful. These courses, which literally carried us through high school, also impacted our Christian faith, equipped my kids to tackle hard subjects and high teacher expectations, provided like-minded and positive friendships, and gave me an avenue to help them navigate high school successfully and prepare for college. Thank you, Mrs. Hart, Mrs. Samuelsen, Mrs. Vickrey, Mrs. Zimmerman, and Mrs. Kirby for bringing quality into the classroom and investing so deeply into your students.
— C.W.
I could not be happier with the language education that [Mrs. Vickrey has] provided to [my children].
— R.M.
We love Schola. Nothing has been more rewarding than having the opportunity to be a part of the Schola family. We are looking forward to several more years of working with you all to educate our children within this loving Christian group.
— M.C.
I am more than pleased with the teachers, atmosphere, and education presented by Schola. You have all been a blessing to my children and challenged them in many ways. I am convinced that what they are learning (and the Godly environment you provide) is the best I've found. The TGC class has been overwhelming at times, but outstanding! I have enjoyed learning through this syllabus alongside my daughter. I was concerned that all the 'out-classes' would damage our 'home school' atmosphere, but I am pleased to say that we are stronger because of these classes.
— C.L.
Having two students under the teaching of Mrs. Samuelsen has been a huge blessing as we now have 2 very confident Latin students in our home. Not only has a foundation been laid for them to learn other languages, but their vocabulary has expanded by leaps and bounds - a plus for my oldest who will be taking her SAT in the near future. Mrs. Samuelsen's knowledge and experience teaching Latin serves her well in the classroom as she provides resources and teaching in an effective way to help the student consistently make progress from week to week. She is very clear in her expectations and knows Latin so that students aren't confused or wondering about an assignment. Additionally, we are big fans of Cambridge Latin Course. We have used other curricula in the past, but CLC has been our favorite. Learning the Roman history and culture is a great addition to our history studies, and the fun storyline is enjoyable and gives confidence as students are able to read so quickly. I have 2 younger children who plan to follow in their older siblings footsteps - probably my biggest testimony of all!
— J.F.
My daughter has had a great year, feeling loved and supported. Her effort has improved recently as well. I support all the Schola teachers and the Christian environment you provide. To have the consistent values and educational goals demonstrated in class reinforces teaching at home. Attraction not promotion will bring the students that are meant to be at Schola. Thank you for all you do for all the students and parents.
— G.R.
It is such a joy seeing [our daughter] write beautifully and think critically as a result of excellent instruction given by Mrs. Samuelsen, Mrs. Hart, and Mrs. Zimmerman in TGC. Thank you so much!
— T.H.
"I am so happy that we decided to have our child try Schola's Science and Engineering class. This one day a week class has been a tremendous help to me with my homeschooling curriculum. I appreciate Ms. Kilburn's weekly emails recapping the days lesson, projects and experiments. The emails also include homework assignments which make my homeschooling job so much easier. I feel the group science projects are so helpful in teaching my child the importance of teamwork. I see improvement in his self-confidence as he talks about his team members and what they accomplished that day.
— A.D.
I so wish you could be in the car when I pick up from TGC 1 to hear all the good things about what they are learning and doing in class! I particularly love when TGC comes up in other conversations or situations...."Oh, we're talking about this in TGC!” is one of my favorite things to hear when I know my kids are "getting it" at making connections. Our family is blessed by Schola!
— J.F.
I wanted to let you know the TAMU physics outcome for our son! He earned an A in his first semester physics course! We are so proud of him...Wanted to give you another thumbs up and pat on the back for his physics prep at Schola.
— M.B.
My wife and I have been very impressed with Schola. Both [our daughters] have learned a great deal in math, science and the humanities. ...The accountability has been great ... and we find that Schola has struck just the right balance between supporting us in our overall educational goals for [our children] and tutoring them in specific subjects. We have four kids, and we are not sure how we would manage without Schola.
— M.M.
We love Schola, we love the teachers, and we are so impressed with the education! I hope to be involved with Schola for years to come!
— M.K.
[My daughter] is really growing in her thinking in [TGC Primer], and we are so thankful for the education she is getting. It's been very encouraging to watch her learn while enjoying her learning this past semester.
— C.M.
We are very grateful for Schola and we think the teachers are the very best thing about it! We are so impressed with the thoughtfulness and creativity with which you have approached the materials and the caring and enthusiasm with which you teach our children. But, most of all, it is so evident that you desire to glorify God through what you do at Schola, and that is a powerful example set before our children's eyes. Thank you!
— B.B.
We have been so happy the Lord directed us to Schola for this school year. Our children have been challenged and that has resulted in growth in several areas. The time and effort the TGC teachers have poured into my children is appreciated more than my words are adequate to express.
— C.C.
Our family has been EXTREMELY pleased with Schola and will continue to share the good news with our friends. We would like to send a special thanks to the instructors for providing our son with a nurturing and challenging experience.
— D.R.
Mrs. Samuelsen, I wanted to let you know that all that Latin really paid off! I was able to test out of the intro Latin courses at my college and have found the translation/sight-reading skills I picked up in your classes to be extremely useful. Perfect scores on tests and quizzes! It's made my foreign language requirements a cinch!
— N.K.
[My daughter] is growing in her artistic abilities, but also in her character and her self-confidence as it relates to art. I love the beautiful, positive, godly perspective Ms. Dodson brings to art. Art is [my son's] favorite class. He has been inspired and it's something he looks forward to each week.
— K.L.
Schola has been a huge blessing for our family. The [Primary] School with the lower grades is a wonderful addition to an already successful program. Our son loves the interaction with friends and the classical instruction by Mrs. Kisiel in the Primary 2-3 class. He looks forward to seeing friends each week, and going through the class material during his learning time at home. We are excited to have the support of Schola at this younger age, and look forward to being here for a long time!
— M.A.
TGC is a fantastic series - university level in rigor while teaching God's Word in the context of Western thought.
— R.P.
My daughter has been a Latin student of Mrs. Samuelsen for 4 years and has learned to love Latin and Roman history. Mrs. Samuelsen's clear and orderly style of teaching has enabled my daughter to tackle a hard language and excel. In addition, Mrs. Samuelsen emphasizes that a firm foundation of the basics is essential to succeed and gives her students the tools needed to build that foundation. She is one of my daughter's favorite teachers and my daughter will miss studying Latin with her.
— M.B.
[Our daughter] has done so well at Schola these last three years and I am truly thankful for your part in that. In addition to the academic excellence that she has enjoyed, we are also thankful for the positive peer influence. God has been so faithful in answering our many and varied prayers.
— J.F.
I cannot tell you how many times I have praised all of my daughter's Schola teachers. She went to college so prepared to do the coursework. [Mrs Hart] blessed her with a love for science and gave her such a wonderful foundation. She felt like her freshman sciences were so much review of what she learned from [Mrs. Hart] and Mrs. Bird.
— J.G.
Both of my daughters have been blessed to be a part of this wonderful school for home school families. We as parents have been extremely impressed with the incredible amount of care and consideration the teachers dedicate to their classes. I cannot say enough how much we are pleased with this program. The TGC program is amazing. The students are given studies that are meaningful and thought provoking. Our family is looking forward to supporting this excellent program for several years to come! Thank you Schola!
— M.K.
Our family has been truly blessed by your classes at Schola. Our son has gained many new insights, ideas, and "worldviews." The workload has been challenging, yet I have enjoyed his zest to rise to the occasion and discipline himself. Truly, we are pleased with his growth as well as his continued enthusiasm for learning!
— C.R.
We heartily recommend Mrs. Pat Samuelsen as a knowledgable, faithful, effective, and trusted teacher and leader. Mrs. Samuelsen has provided many years of excellent instruction in Latin and several other subjects to home school students in the Sugar Land area. Our daughters have studied Latin I, II, and III with Pat and have enjoyed her classes immensely. While Pat is very knowledgeable and always well organized, she is especially good at motivating and equipping her students to do their best. Students and parents are very fond of Mrs. Samuelsen.
— C.P.

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Keep Calm and Master the Basics
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Keep Calm and Master the Basics
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Keep Calm and Master the Basics
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Keep Calm and Master the Basics
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