
About us

Christ-centered education that builds people, families, and culture for the glory of God.

Schola is a denominationally diverse educational community of teachers and homeschooling families that seeks to serve Christian families by providing a secure, college preparatory learning environment in which students can explore and evaluate all of life under God from a biblical worldview.

We partner with homeschooling parents to help develop the unique gifts of each student so that he or she may become a faithful Christ-honoring servant of God, a compassionate and productive neighbor, and a good steward of God’s world.

All Schola classes meet in Sugar Land, Texas at Providence Presbyterian Church either once or twice each week. Students complete their studies at home under parental supervision. Students may register for the complete program or individual classes.

Classes K - 12

Schola Homeschool Classes offer Christ-centered homeschool classes for K-12th grade students in a variety of subjects.

Schola Upper School classes (Grades 7-12) study the subjects of a classical liberal arts curriculum: great books of literature and history, science and mathematics, as well as Latin, Spanish, and rhetoric.

Schola Primary and Elementary classes (Grades K-6) nurture a child’s natural appetite for learning and provide structure and accountability for homeschooling parents of young students.

Foundational Principles

Schola serves as a meeting place for Christian teachers and homeschooled students to explore the history of ideas that have shaped our culture and to use a biblical standard to evaluate those ideas. To that purpose, at least one parent or guardian of children attending Schola must give signed evidence of their agreement with the Foundational Principles listed below.

The primary basis for Schola’s curriculum and instruction is the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, the inspired and infallible Word of God, which constitutes completed and final revelation. In accordance with this final revelation, we affirm the following Principles: